click tracking


Book and history lover. U of Chgo Humanities M.A.

I tutor middle-school, high-school, and college students in reading, writing, literature, history, or the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures. My special interest is in analytical or critical reading of difficult texts. Recently for nearly a year I helped lead a weekly halfway-house reading group for men recently released from prison. My master's degree from the University of Chicago was anti-specialist -- we were required to read major works in history, drama, fiction, poetry, and science, from ...

American history


I worked as a programmer for 40 years, in .NET shops 2000 to 2015. From around 2010 through 2013 my primary programming language was C#. The small consulting company I was working in used the latest versions of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio. I implemented in C# an event handler that was invoked by Microsoft Project Server (in SharePoint) and that in turn invoked our company component or initiated SQL Server Analysis Services operations. In 2013 to 2015 C# was my secondary language (primary was Visual Basic).


My relevant C++ experience is limited to Microsoft Visual C++/CLI (that is, C++ used in the .NET framework, not in the unmanaged -- native -- world). I have been a programmer working in .NET for more than a decade, using C# and VB.NET. Microsoft Visual C++/CLI is built on the same underlying structures as C# and VB.NET. Within this scope I believe I can effectively tutor someone. Outside this scope I do not claim sufficient expertise to tutor someone productively. In the fall of 2015 I tutored one student 12 hours of Visual C++/CLI via WyzAnt. The student rated two of the sessions at five stars and did not review the other sessions. The student's comment is visible elsewhere on the WyzAnt site. This is my only recent experience with C++.

computer programming

I worked as a programmer for 40 years, starting out in FORTRAN and COBOL, then using PL/I and (rarely) IBM 360 Assembler, then the proprietary programming language of the Model 204 DBMS, then Perl and Unix shell scripting, and most recently .NET Framework languages (C#, Visual Basic, and PowerShell) along with T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server). The development environments I have used the most are Emacs (in the Unix world, it was a while ago) and Visual Studio. In the summer of 2014 I pair-programmed with a junior colleague, doing a proof of concept in which a program written in Visual Basic would access a trivial rule base implemented in Java and Drools (we did the latter work in Eclipse).

European history





The Russian language has been a continuing thread in my life since I first encountered it in an after-school club in high school. In college, my Russian study remained constant even through a change in majors from physics to liberal arts; and I ended up with the equivalent of a B.A. in Russian, having more credits and a higher average in Russian than in my official majors. This included a summer studying Russian in (then) Leningrad. I continue actively using Russian to this day and have collected many Russian-language reference works, books, e-books, and audio books. I have a solid grasp of the grammar and my Russian friends compliment me on my pronunciation. And my enthusiasm and love for Russian are contagious!


During my 40 years as a software developer and consultant I worked with many relational (SQL-based) database systems, including Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase SQL Server, Ingres, Informix, and Oracle. I worked both with SQL itself and also with programmatic access to these databases (which follow the same principles but use specialized APIs). Furthermore, I have worked with both SQL queries and database features to optimize data access. SQL can also be used to write programs (in addition to just retrieving data) -- to write stored procedures, triggers, and so on. I worked mostly with Microsoft's T-SQL but also with Oracle's PL/SQL. In sum to help you succeed I can call upon experience that is both wide and deep, covering all the various facets of SQL.

Visual Basic

From September 2013 through March 2015 I was a Senior Software Engineer helping to maintain and enhance a large production system written almost entirely in Visual Basic, with parts in C# and SQL. We were using the latest versions of the .NET Framework, and used Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server. I pair-programmed with a junior colleague and we tutored each other where one knew and the other didn't. I worked as a programmer for 40 years, in .NET shops from 2000 through 2015.

world history


political science

David W. from Bradley, IL

Today was our first meeting. I was not sure what to expect. We greeted each other in Russian language and held together a short dialog. The purpose of needing a Russian tutor is to expand my ability to speak out loud in Russian. Clark suggested several learning techniques and we are now set to begin lessons in a week. Clark is knowledgeable in Russian speech and Russian writing. I have improved my dialog in the short hour that we studied. Looking forward to next time.

Scott J. from Frankfort, IL

Clark spent a long time with me going over detail and answering anything I asked. His time was very helpful and I'm grateful for his assistance in programming.

Kai T. from Campbell, CA

Clark is one of the best tutors on WyZant, he worked around my crazy calendar, is extremely helpful and knowledgeable. It was a definite relief to find a great tutor like Clark. If you need a computer science or MIS tutor, Clark is your guy!