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Shar, tutor for individuals with special needs and elementary

I am a seminary student studying toward my Master of Divinity. Currently, I have a Master of Ministry and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. My undergraduate work was in Music and Psychology with an emphasis in Music Therapy. Life long learning is very important to me. I have tutored off and on since 1982. My teaching style is whatever it takes for the student to learn the material and feel comfortable with the knowledge that they have gained. Learning needs to be fun, but the...


I teach social skills for a St. Joseph County provider of services for individual on the autism spectrum. I have been involved in social skills training for twenty-eight years, specializing with those individuals who have been diagnosed with Aspergers since 2006. References are available upon request.


I teach social skills for children and young adults with autism through a center in South Bend, Indiana. I have worked as a program assist for the public schools assisting students with autism and other developmentally disabilities. I am a qualified mental retardation professional (QMRP) and case manager for people with special needs.

elementary (k-6th)




special needs


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)