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Dynamic, experienced teacher, a guide for your learning goals

Teaching is my passion. I love engaging with students, and am committed to helping them achieve their maximum potential through the wonderful world of learning. I have taught students of all ages: kindergarten through college levels. My areas of expertise within the teaching field involve the language arts and theatre arts. Furthermore, I have often implemented theater and drama activities as instruments to teach varied subjects. I have taught abroad, in Mexico City, as well as here in the U...







I have been an actor and a theater director for more than twenty years, acting and directing professionally in both Mexico City and New York. I received a BA in Speech Communication, an MA in Drama Therapy from New York University, and an MFA in Theatre: Contemporary Performance from Naropa University. I have also been a drama teacher and speech instructor, working with students at the elementary, middle and high school level, and with college students seeking a degree in the arts and/or in education. I have engaged in community theatre as well as educational theatre as a member of various repertory theatre companies. In tutoring theatre I implement the following teaching objectives: 1. The student develops interpersonal skills and problem-solving capabilities through interaction and artistic sharing with the teacher, who guides the student in exploring his/her own creative process. 2. The student understands and applies the creative process to fundamental skills of acting, playwriting, and directing. 3. The student understands and relates the role of theatre arts to culture and history. 4. The student analyzes and assesses the characteristics, merits, and meanings of traditional and modern forms of dramatic expression. 5. The student explores and applies connections between theatre and other disciplines. More specific theatre tasks are explored according to the particular needs of the student or the dramatic forms being explored in theatre class. These can include: creative drama games, improvisation techniques, pantomime, reader's theatre, text analysis and scene exploration, and puppetry, amongst others.

