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Highly Experienced Tutor- Certified Lindamood-Bell Consultant -

Before I get started with my academic and professional strengths, I would like to let you know that I am a passionate and empathetic teacher. The results that I achieve with my clients come from my ability to connect with the student within session. I care deeply about true and lasting results, and, therefore, I keep an open line of conversation and discussion with parents and older students about incentives, goals, and the continued progress we're experiencing in session. I am capable of tu...


I was hired as a clinician for Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes. After 5 months as a clinician I was promoted to The position of consultant. I have experience in Visualizing and Verbalizing (VV), Seeing Stars, On Cloud 9, Lips, and Talkies. I have also trained others in these programs. ADD/ADHD were common diagnosis for many of the children that I worked with during my time at LMB. An ability to keep the child focused on the work is essential. I don't claim the ability to change the symptoms. Instead, I simply claim that I have and arsenal of behavior modifications tricks and tools that give me the the ability to redirect the child's focus consistently. My goal is getting in as many "learning moments" as possible into a session. I am not focused on changing the child's moral character by any means. I want academic results, and I'll do whatever is necessary to get that done. Whether it me bouncing a ball back and worth with the child to keep them focused on the vowel sound we are focusing on or sitting under a table in order to get the child the read a few essential paragraphs with me.


I was hired as a clinician for Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes. After 5 months as a clinician I was promoted to The position of consultant. I have experience in Visualizing and Verbalizing (VV), Seeing Stars, On Cloud 9, Lips, and Talkies. I have also trained others in these programs. For those of you who are not aware, children with Autism (at both ends of the spectrum), are often effectively instructed at LMB. The programs themselves are often very effective if the instructor has a consistent schedule with the child, the ability to efficiently redirect the child's behavior, and experience in manipulating the programs to fit each child's specific needs. I have personally worked with 7 children on the spectrum. These children have ranged from outwardly normal and socially functioning students to the 5 year olds who have an almost constant need to stim.



hard of hearing




special needs



Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)