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Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking Skills

I believe education can empower individuals to pursue their passions and make a difference in the world. I have always held a heightened level of curiosity which has driven my educational pursuits and helped me develop critical thinking skills to apply to a number of fields. I achieved my Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with an emphasis in Cultural Anthropology, which demanded a rigorous reading and writing workload and competency. I also earned a minor in French Language Studies and w...






elementary math


Nuno S. from Coralville, IA

Emily shows that she is an honest and dedicated tutor. She prepared this first lesson using materials we suggested, like manuals and exercise books that we used before. So far, we are pleased with her progress. We feel encouraged with Emily's careful approach to our son's needs. She seems patient and hard-working. My son grew up with the Montessori system and Emily listens carefully to my son and adapts well to this less traditional approach. We want to continue with Emily and have good expectations.