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Tutoring in statistics, SPSS, American history, and all writing

I am an experienced instructor of diverse groups of individuals. My primary subject areas include statistics, SPSS, American history, writing of all kinds (especially research papers and reports), world politics, computer software use, study habits, public speaking, and ethics. I have taught adults for over a decade and continue to do so in person and online. I like to give constructive, timely, and continuous feedback to any student I am working with in whatever environment. I constantly...



We have adopted two biological brothers 4 years ago. One was diagnosed with ADD and the other with ADHD. They are required to take medication daily, monthly mental evaluation visits, and bi-weekly educational psychologists visits in the home. They were evaluated and with our recommendation retained in kindergarten and first grade for a second year. They are now in 1st and 2nd grade. Reading, speaking with doctors, and day to day techniques of redirection are now part of my everyday life.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Windows


government & politics

world history

study skills



American history