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Elementary Reading Tutor

I am a retired special education teacher with 30 years of elementary classroom experience. My favorite part of teaching was helping struggling students with reading and math. It was gratifying to watch them build success as they gained confidence in their abilities. The most effective instruction is research based. I have been trained in the Orton-Gillingham Approach of teaching reading. It is a systematic and explicit teaching of reading skills. Through multisensory techniques, ...

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elementary math

elementary (k-6th)

Jessica E. from Watertown, NY

Ann C. worked with my 7-year-old daughter for about 4 months. The shortness of the duration was due to a relocation of me and my family. My daughter was struggling with reading. She had no confidence and hated to read. Her grade in reading was a B- and one reading specialist tried to label her with a processing disorder. I disagreed with the educator and found Ann C. from WyzAnt tutoring. With Ann's assistance, my daughter began to love reading again. She helped us discover that my daughter had no processing or learning disorder but needed glasses. My daughter's confidence improved and so did her grade. When we left Kansas my daughter's reading grade for the 2nd quarter was an A. My daughter's general classroom teacher completed two STAR assessments to my child's reading level. The first assessment was one week before Ann C.'s intervention. Her reading level was at a 1.4, which is not good for a 2nd grader. This test was done in August of last year. The second test was done in November of last year and her new reading level was a 2.3. Her fellow students who were on point had tests scores of 2.5 or 2.6. Thus, proving to everyone including the reading specialist that my daughter did not have a disorder. My daughter just needed confidence, which she lacked due to the number of schools she had attended. This was due to our military lifestyle. Now, in New York, my daughter is struggling again due to the different state standards. However, if I had not received Ann C.'s help I cannot imagine just how behind my daughter would be here in New York. Luckily, I have found a tutor like Ann C. to continue Ann's work with my daughter. Lastly, I no longer have to worry about possible learning disorders due to her improvement. Now, we just have to concentrate on continuing my daughter's journey with her new tutor.

Regina (Jeanne) I. from Lansing, KS

My 7 1/2 year old son was very nervous and wanted nothing to do with a tutoring session. He is high functioning autistic and doesn't transition well or like new things. It usually takes two or three sessions to get him used to a new teacher. He was hiding in the living room, but I knew he was safe with Ann. So after a few minutes I went upstairs and left him and Ann alone to figure things out. Ann patiently waited for him to come to her, and within about five minutes I could hear from upstairs, the two of them laughing and having fun together. Afterwards my son told me, "Mom that was fun, and you know what? Ms. Ann is going to come back again!" I'm so relieved to have someone with the patience and understanding to work with my son. She is going to work out great.

Briana C. from Lansing, KS

Ann does great with my 6 year old son who is often argumentative and not willing to work when we first arrive. She encourages him and makes the lesson fun!