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Help the Student Learn

After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in Sociology, I continued my education and earned a Master of Arts degree, also in Sociology. I worked for over 25 years in a position that included training new employees to correctly and efficiently manage a large workload. These employees were recognized for their work quality and their attitude after they completed their training and were given a permanent position. During my work career, I also earned a Master of Arts degree wit...

elementary (k-6th)


sign language



I was diagnosed as an adult with ADD, and my son was diagnosed with ADD in elementary school. Since he was diagnosed, I have done a lot of research on ADD and school-related problems, as well as attending seminars focused on this. Many of the students I tutored through No Child Left Behind had ADD and/or learning disabilities.

hard of hearing



elementary math






Leslie H. from Louisville, KY

Jan works very well keeping my son interested in studying math. Which is something I struggle with at home. She has shown him lots of little tricks to get the answer faster. She is very patient with him as well. They do math games in the computer to make learning more fun. My son really enjoys going to tutoring, and I am seeing improvement in just 2 weeks!