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COOL English/Russian Russian, ESL, Business English Tutor

Are you looking for a COOL TUTOR to help you speak English or Russian? A COOL TUTOR is creative, easy-going, dedicated to your goals, passionate, educated and experienced. Yes, to speak a language well does not always mean you can teach someone, for you need to know how people learn, so, you need teaching experience. I have been teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and Russian one-on-one and via Skype since 1993, so you may rely on my awareness of students' needs and issues. I use a f...






Jeremy H. from Charlestown, MA

She was very professional yet outspoken and didn't talk to you like a robot. Encourages you to stop her if you fall off track in her lesson. The flash card idea she has is a great tactic. I look forward to her other reaching methods at our next meeting.

Danni W. from Boston, MA

Elena reviewed my goals with me and came up with a plan to tackle those specific goals. Then she very patiently led me through some very basic interactions in Russian, like how to say hello, how are you, and things like that. She explained everything very well, and has an excellent flash card method that helps you learn conversation in Russian, rather than just random words.

Lena M. from Boston, MA

We connected with Elena to teach my two kids (4 and 2 year old) Russian. My 4 year old adores Elena and I was very impressed how Elena was able to incorporate fun games such as drawing, hide and seek and some media time to teach basic commands and numbers. We've only just started (2 lessons in), but I am very happy with the progress and I know that my kids will be looking forward to learning Russian with Elena's help and definitely will be seeing great results!

Garrett S. from Cambridge, MA

I thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with Elena. I started without any knowledge of Russian. In 2.5 weeks of tutoring, I feel prepared for my trip to St. Petersburg. I highly recommend Elena to anyone looking to learn or improve their Russian conversation skills. She came prepared to each tutoring session with a plan and a patient attitude.

Garrett S. from New Canaan, CT

I thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with Elena. I started without any knowledge of Russian. In 2.5 weeks of tutoring, I feel prepared for my trip to St. Petersburg. I highly recommend Elena to anyone looking to learn or improve their Russian conversation skills. She came prepared to each tutoring session with a plan and a patient attitude.