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All-Around Tutor -- Math! Standardized Testing! Reading! Writing! ESL!

I am honored to be recognized by Wyzant as a Top-100 tutor in the country for the years 2014 and 2015. (This is out of more than 77,000 tutors nationwide.) I am a caring, creative, and patient teacher with over 20 years of classroom teaching and tutoring experience. I don't just know a subject, I know how to teach it. I have degrees in Linguistics and Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley, and have completed additional coursework towards a Masters degree in Education. Be...


I have many years of experience in helping individuals with Aspergers be successful, both within and outside the classroom. Although there are commonalities among students with Aspergers, each student also has a unique combination of needs, strengths, interests, and learning styles. My approach is to capitalize on the strengths and interests, target the needs, and teach in ways that take my students' learning styles into account. I adjust my approach to match their current learning and behavioral goals. I have also worked with students on social thinking.



I have many years of experience, both within the classroom and privately, in working with students with ADHD. As part of this, I often work with the student on organizational and time management goals and on learning goals. I help my students gain more awareness around who they are as learners and help them to figure out strategies that work for them, based on their strengths, needs, and learning styles. I also often work with individuals on social thinking.

special needs


study skills


algebra 1

SAT reading

elementary science

elementary (k-6th)


ACT Reading

ACT English

elementary math

SAT writing











SAT math






Jing S. from Lexington, MA

Susan is one of the best tutors my kids have ever had. I have an 8 year old and 11 year old and they both enjoy taking her lessons. She makes learning fun and interesting.

Eden S. from Somerville, MA

Susan has tutored my sons (ages 14 and 11) in writing once a week for three weeks now. She has a clear, methodical approach to teaching writing. They are focusing on persuasive writing. It's obvious that she's put a lot of thought into how to convey the building blocks of good writing. In addition to having them write and edit their own essays, she has them read and analyze good sample essays written by children their age. I feel my sons are learning in a very efficient way with her. I find Susan to be very professional on every level. She arrives on time, responds promptly to my emails, and has a clear game plan for working with my children. Highly recommend.

Laurie S. from Billerica, MA

My daughter has been working with Susan going on about a year now. She has helped boost her reading confidence and made the lessons very fun to a point where my daughter is excited when Susan is coming. It was a blessing to have found her.

Danielle L. from Lexington, MA

Susan is a lively tutor with many fun things in her mind, with all the sources in her hands, and funny teaching. A boring class has become so animated in her hands, and there is no way to not pay attention in class. When I first came to the local middle school, I had to take ESL just in the beginning of the school year, and with Susan's help, I got out of ESL just before term 2 started when most other students hadn't got out. Also, while Susan was tutoring me on English, my English grade went from B to A- only within three terms, and that is a hard thing to do on your own.

Jenny B. from Brookline, MA

Susan worked with my 10 year old son to prepare for a standardized test. She quickly built a nice rapport with him and was able to teach him in a quiet but engaging way. My son has ADHD and it was important to us to find someone who could help him focus and apply himself and she was really excellent at this. She was very kind and my son felt very comfortable with her. She was also prompt and usually stayed for a few extra minutes. We will use her again for future test prep.

Judi L. from Brighton, MA

Tutor Susan Y. has been great. She shows up on time, really engages my 9 year old to like math and to feel good about tackling a hard subject. Susan has made math fun, which has made all the difference. We give her five Stars!

Carrie B. from Winchester, MA

We have had Susan tutor our daughter for 10 sessions now and feel confident leaving a recommendation response. I have to wholeheartedly recommend Susan Y. to tutor your children. She is so well versed at teaching and keying in on areas and creating improvement in children I wish we could get the school systems to adopt her methodology. I have an advanced learner who has a passion for learning all things academic but who has languished in our very respected local public school because of a lack of interest and challenge by the teachers. Susan has given us just the help we've been looking for. She has an excellent rapport with us and we very much enjoy that she always gives us time to speak with her after the session or online to know what was covered in the plan and then make suggestions on how to proceed given it's outcome. We are extremely pleased with the help, guidance and rapport we have received from Susan and highly recommend her. Thank you Susan, it's so nice to see my child flourish again!

Ben A. from Harvard, MA

Susan does a great job of keeping me informed of my child's progress through regular reports. These reports are detailed and informative, and seem to neatly expose the core issues that she and my child are addressing. I very much appreciate Susan not only as an educator, but also as someone who is providing me with insights into why the topic had previously proved to be difficult for my daughter. Thanks, Susan!

Hechuan L. from Brookline, MA

We studied the verbal part of GMAT. And it's very effective. Susan is a very good at teaching and skillful with the subject she teaches.

Kate K. from Arlington, MA

Susan understands our daughter's difficulties and areas of need and tailors the sessions accordingly. She explains things well and makes sure our daughter grasps the material before moving on. Susan has been a great match for our daughter.

Maureen B. from Arlington, MA

Susan worked with my daughter on increasing study skills and strategies for getting long term assignments done. She has been very helpful for my daughter in transitioning to high school this year.

Lina Z. from Lexington, MA

Susan is a knowledgeable and patient tutor. Playing games with students while learning which keep her students motivated. A great tutor to have at home.

Yan L. from Lexington, MA

Susan helps my son in reading. She is very knowledgeable and patient. She knows how to engage him and pick the right book for him. So far he is happy with her.

Christine K. from Kingston, NH

Susan is very patient, giving him time to think and she has a plan of action that is ongoing and flexible that works for my son. My son mentioned that he liked the way Susan explains each lesson he needs to learn or review. She is easier to understand by the way she breaks down the topics for him. Susan is also very positive with my son. She makes him feel confident about what he is learning and also makes him aware of the extra time he needs to put in at home to master what she is teaching him. Lastly, at the end of each session we discuss how the tutoring went, how he is working with the material at home and she will give me feedback/strategies that I can use with him at home.

Herman W. from Lexington, MA

She is patient and knows exactly what her students need. She is an excellent tutor. She greatly helps my son with math skills.

Sean W. from Reading, MA

Susan helped my son's English GPA in 9th grade honor class to grow from B to A in one semester. She is very knowledgeable and answers all of my son's questions right on the spot. Look no further if you are trying to find a Knowledgeable and patient tutor!

Jenny R. from Needham, MA

Susan has worked with my son on subjects including math, ELA and writing. She's very patient and knowledgeable and familiar with many free online resources. With her help, my son's ISEE result was excellent! He won't be able to make it without Susan's teaching! Great teacher if you're lucky enough to get her.

Tia H. from Lincoln, MA

Our son has been working with Susan on and off for over a year and a half. She is patient and calm and always manages to help him understand the material better and improve his grades.