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Tutoring students in reading and math-Grades K-5

My name is Keah and I am a certified elementary teacher in the state of Maryland. I have a bachelor's degree from Towson University, and I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from McDaniel College. I am an elementary school teacher with a passion for reading and math instruction. I believe that quality instruction engages all learners according to their interest and learning style, while also incorporating technology when possible. I am an advocate of cooper...

elementary (k-6th)


study skills



LaShawn M. from White Plains, MD

Ms. M is very professional, informative, patient, and flexible. She has developed a genuine rapport with my daughter creating a positive atmosphere for learning. In a very short time, I've noticed my child incorporating the reading strategies she's learned. We are looking forward to a successful school year with Ms. M's assistance!