Online or In-Person Help: English Skills, Test Prep, Proofreading, ESL
Hi, My name is Dr. Elizabeth M. English is my first language and I am certified to help students and professionals improve their English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Also, I proofread and edit papers, job and school applications, and other writing projects. I am experienced at working with English language learners; I volunteered for almost five years as a one-on-one tutor for graduate and undergraduate international students interested in improving their English. In...
study skills
elementary math
I went as far as college calculus as an undergraduate. I am able to tutor in elementary school math and pre-algebra. I am trained in "Family Math" and "Math U See," both of which use hands-on manipulatives to illustrate and teach math concepts.
elementary (k-6th)
ACT Reading
ACT English
SAT writing
SAT reading
I did well in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry in high school and Calculus I in college. I studied and used statistics in my doctoral program and wrote a dissertation for my Ph.D. that involved statistical analysis. I would like to make sure students have the math sense and other pre-requisite skills that prepare them for higher level math, including algebra, geometry, and data analysis.
Izabela J. from Ypsilanti, MI
I have been working with Elizabeth M. for nearly eight months. When I met with her for the very first time, I knew she is facing a tough case… I have been living in this country for 18 years, but until our very first lesson, I have never received any formal English training. I would say that I had, and still have, lots of “blank spots†in my understanding of English grammar. But Elizabeth slowly guides me through this process and fills in my “blank spotsâ€. Every lesson with her flys by so quickly, because she touches on lots of different things, such as: pronunciation, grammar exercises, writing, and reading. She also does lots of proof reading of the articles that I write for my work; for that I am so very grateful. And above all, she is a very sweet and gentle person. She always listens to my concerns and helps me the best she can.
Linda H. from Ann Arbor, MI
Elizabeth helped me improve my English pronunciation and grammar. she also taught me many helpful English speaking skills. She is very patient and nice. I have improved my English a lot.
Maryam G. from Saint Paul, MN
Very prepared to answer all my questions, correct my pronunciations, and offer me better choice of words in a very gentle and polite manner. She is a very professional teacher.
Julia S. from Ann Arbor, MI
We worked on the writing section of the SAT. I felt comfortable asking her questions which she was able to answer for me.