Experienced Educator, Specialized in Reading & Writing
Education is a passion, and I've found a great sense of purpose in trying to help those for whom the word generates more of a sense of anxiety than excitement overcome some of that fear or self-doubt. I am a graduate of Grand Valley State University, who possesses a degree in English Education, and minors in History, Spanish, and Theater, as well as eight years of experience working with students on a variety of levels. After years of alternating experience substituting, teaching drama cam...
algebra 1
American history
European history
I attended Grand Valley State University, and received a minor in Theatre. During this time, I took what courses were available about Theatre in Education, as well as spending time working with various groups and clubs. Since then, I have become a member of a professional Shakespeare troupe, where I serve as a member of our Board of Education. Through this group, I have taught at day camps for students K-12, and worked on our residency program, where we apprentice high school students into a production alongside us. I have also taught a summer drama course, and done various workshops during the school year.