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Current HQ teacher: ELA,Reading, Writing, ACT/SAT, & study skills

I am highly qualified (English, Health, and a MAT in Special Education) and I currently teach English Language Arts at a local high school. I specialize in reading comprehension/fluency, writing, critical thinking, organizational and study skills, homework assistance, and ACT/SAT prep. I have taught for 5 years with all grade levels of English. I have also taught health and study skills courses. I have a caseload of students so I am very familiar with other subject areas as I consult and tut...


As a high school resource room teacher, I have several students in my classroom that have Autism or Aspergers. I am familiar with the social needs of students with Autism and the modifications made to their learning environments and how it can impact their learning. I know several strategies on how to allow students with Autism to tap into certain information that they may have difficulty especially with reading. I also have my Master's Degree in Special Education and much of my coursework included students in this population.


As a high school resource room teacher, I have several students in my classroom that are considered high functioning ASD or Aspergers. I am familiar with the social needs of students with Aspergers and the modifications made to their learning environments and how it can impact their learning. I know several strategies on how to allow students with Aspergers to tap into certain information that they may have difficulty especially with reading. I also have my Master's Degree in Special Education and much of my coursework included students in this population.







ACT Reading

ACT English

special needs


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


I have an endorsement in Learning Disabilities and much of my course work included students with ADD/ADHD and strategies for them to be successful in the classroom. I am also a resource room teacher/caseload teacher for students that have medical diagnoses of ADD/ADHD that receive special education services. I am familiar with accommodations and modifications in IEPs and 504 plans for students with ADD/ADHD. My learning disabilities endorsement covers this population.