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Make math your 2nd language. Use it or lose it.

I have worked in private schools as well as tutoring 4th grade to college. Learning to think in sequence is essential for math. Therefore, it is a language of all sciences. Learning to work through the system of numbers and expression takes a steady eye to each step that a student makes and training along the though process is what I excel at. Giving the student confidence that makes math an enjoyable game....

algebra 1

algebra 2

American history






SAT math

physical science


ACT Math

ACT Science

elementary science

Laura D. from Clinton Township, MI

Janis was excellent. She really helped my daughter with her science homework. She felt like Janis broke it down to her level and understands the subject matter. We are so happy that we found Janis!

Janine S. from Mount Clemens, MI

I am getting "A"s in Algebra I for the first time in my life and I have an undergraduate degree.