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Special Education Teacher Mild and Moderate Disabilities all ages

I have over 10 years of experience working in the special education field. I have worked as a student in ACCESS office at Longview Community College. I learned a lot about the accommodations that can help students who are disabled be successful in college. I have tutored a few college students while going to school and for a few months I worked as a substitute teacher in the Lee's Summit School District working with students of all ages. I went back to school in my late thirties and have a lo...


I currently work in a classroom that has autistic children. There are different levels of autism and each child is different. Most of these children struggle with being a part of the environment that they are in. There are a variety of ways that these children cope. I often see repetitive movements and outbursts when they are exposed to loud noises and bright lights. Some speak very little while others act inappropriately in social situations.







special needs

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)