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I will educate you!

I have been an educator for 30 years. I am currently employed with the Marion County School District. I have taught at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. I am certified in Special Education. I have taught mainly (SLD & EMR) students. I have served as an inclusion teacher for elementary, junior high and high school students in the areas of grammar and English. I have tutored both junior high and high school students in these areas. I love teaching and working with spec...






I am a special needs teacher of 30 years experience. I work closely with ADD/ADHD students. I am specific to the instructional needs of these students. I am currently special needs teacher in High School and I work with several ADHD students. ADD/ADHD students need lots of structure and hands on learning to be successful in the school setting. Part of my job is to make sure the general education teachers are aware of disability and how it affects the student and to give them strategies & behavior modifications to help the student and the teacher to succeed in the classroom.