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Tutoring and coaching that is thought-provoking and empowering!

Hello: As you may have read from my tag-line, I believe in tutoring and coaching services that provide my students with a chance to wonder about and enjoy all that things of which they are capable. That is the thought-provoking part. The empowerment part comes from your child truly believing, with the help of my knowledge, guidance and encouragement, that they can accomplish great things if they believe in themselves. As a Master's level educator, coach and tutor with over 19 years experie...



As a special needs teacher, I have had the pleasure of working with approximately 50 children with autism spectrum disorder, many of whom were diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. This part of my teaching career was one of the most rewarding as it taught me that although my students happened to have a diagnosis of Asperger's - that all were individuals and capable of learning and illustrating wonderful things, given the chance. The best part was, although I was the teacher, in working with this very special population of students, I was taught new things by listening, watching and appreciating the very special gifts that all my students would impart with each day.






elementary (k-6th)

special needs



Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint
