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Spanish Tutor

I am a natural teacher with a passion for helping others to succeed academically. My style of tutoring combines time-honored learning techniques with modern technology and methodologies. Since each individual learns differently, my approach varies slightly with each student. I love to identify the difficulties a student is having and to develop an approach that builds that weakness into a strength! The proof of my techniques lies in the long-term success of my students. Two of my Spanish st...

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math









Dale S. from New Port Richey, FL

Sarah truly customizes her lessons towards the areas that I am having difficulty with. She always brings new and fun ways for me to use what I have already learned from her and creates lesson plans based upon what she sees me struggling with. She is patient and passionate about helping me learn. Always goes the extra mile to help me with my desire to speak and comprehend Spanish. I am over a year into having lessons with Sarah and and I constantly receive compliments on my diction. Sarah is always thorough and prepared. no matter what area of difficulty I have, Sarah always finds a way for us to get passed that challenge. she is always coming up with new suggestions for me to help myself during the week until we meet again.

Kelly M. from Cary, NC

Sarah's style of tutoring is structured and logical. It was very interesting to get that feedback from my boys (we have twins) after their session with Sarah. Furthermore, it was great to hear the boys say, "we think she can help us the most mom!" when I asked them to compare Sarah to another tutor.