Nursing College Prep With Hospital Critical Thinking-Real Nursing!
I have been an RN for 23 years with experience in the ED, Psych Unit, and Cardiac Care. My passion lies with TCTS patients and those living with CHF. I graduated from UNC-G with a BSN and 2 credits away from a triple major including Chemistry and Biology. I have held healthcare management positions for 19 of my 23 RN Career years while maintaining my bedside Nursing Skills. I have had the honor of being chosen repeatedly to train new RN's as well as Nursing Students in my Clinical Area. I absolutely love to teach and enjoy seeing the "Ah ha!" moment on my students' faces! My subjects and specialties are as listed above plus 11 additional critical nursing skill sets ranging from Management Skills, D/C Planning, ACLS, EPIC Super User to assisting with TCTS Procedures. I am well organized and will help you find the right study system for you! I am open-minded in re: study skills, attention span, and information saturation. If you have the heart to be a Nurse, I will help you have the knowledge base and critical thinking skills that give you confidence in treating your patients.