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Trained by the 2 largest tutoring companies in the US. SAT too!

There is nothing that excites me more than watching a student's face light up from learning. My goal when I teach is to help a student achieve their potential by working on their confidence and motivation. I love to learn and I love working with students and the two together are a marriage made in heaven. After college, I spent many years teaching in public schools and then moved on to teach statistics and system development in corporate America. After retiring from corporate America, I r...

social studies

study skills

college counseling

linear algebra




general music

ACT English


SAT writing



elementary science

elementary (k-6th)

ACT Math

elementary math

SAT math



SAT reading






music theory




American history

algebra 1

algebra 2


Allen O. from Princeton, NJ

Diane has helped my daughter, who was struggling in Algebra II and who thought she could not do math, go to a solid B student in less than 8 weeks. In contrast, my daughter did 4 months of Kumon's with no measurably results. I fully expect at the rate she's progressing that my daughter's next grade will be a "A" all thanks to Diane's wonderful ability to communicate math in a way that resonates to a teenager.

Amor S. from Belle Mead, NJ

This was the first of many tutoring sessions for my boys. I did not stick around but it was clear Diane was very well prepared. My boys enjoyed her and commented on how experienced she was. They are looking forward to working with Diane again. They even finished their homework right after she left!

Jim Z. from Belle Mead, NJ

Well prepared and very interactive. I can see my son getting a lot of confidence on his honors English class just after several lessons.

Bob V. from Bloomington, IN

Very few people can teach more then one subject well. But Diane is just as capable at teaching math, as she is teaching History. Although It has only been the first 3 weeks of my tutoring with Diane I have improved greatly in both sections.

Alicia E. from East Brunswick, NJ

I must admit I was bit hesitant using this service, but I am glad I did. Diane was very patient and understanding. She took the time to work with my daughter at a pace that was comfortable for her. My daughter was very well prepared for her SAT's. I would highly recommend Diane as a tutor

Catherine B. from Princeton, NJ

We've been working with Diane 0 since the fall of 2011 and have been very pleased with the results. Not only is she a good tutor, with a good rapport, she is also easy to reach and very flexible to changes in our schedules. We would recommend her highly.

Lakshmi N. from Plainsboro, NJ

She came prepared for the class and knew how to make the kid understand the concept. Will recommended to others.

Suja V. from Hillsborough, NJ

She is very helpful in teaching the most important concepts and techniques. They truly help me. I am looking forward to better grades in English in High School.

Maureen R. from Skillman, NJ

Diane was punctual, friendly and my daughter felt she benefitted from the time spent with her. We're looking forward to next week's session.