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Professional ESL, Writing, Theater, and Music Tutor

I am an experienced, Cambridge certified ESL tutor who currently works as a corporate trainer. Prior to that, I worked abroad as an ESL instructor at International House in Brno, Czech Republic and Embassy Center for English Studies in New York City. The main focus of my ESL tutoring is to empower you to communicate effectively in an environment in which you feel comfortable expressing yourself. Lessons focus on the productive and receptive skills of speaking, writing, listening, and reading...


Theatre is, has been, and always will be my first love. I currently study privately with my own acting coach and received my bachelor of arts in theatre from Point Park University. I also studied abroad at the Accademia dell’Arte in Italy where I worked with Italian actors on the art of Commedia dell’Arte, or Italian improvisational theatre. I believe that theatre skills increase communicative, academic, and creative thinking in children and adults alike. Theatre is also a great way to overcome your fears of public speaking, meeting new people, and working in groups. Theatre lessons for children and adults consist of improvising scenes, reading and analysing the action of each character in the script, and getting on their feet and performing! Please email me if you have any questions regarding my teaching methodology or lesson approach when it comes to theatre. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing my love of this great art form with you or your children!









music theory



voice (music)