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Be UNSTOPPABLE! Gain momentum with effective study skills!

Isaac Newton once said,"If I have seen farther than other men, it's because I've stood on the shoulders of giants." Dr. Jerry Falwell said, "Within every seemingly insoluble problem there lies glorious opportunities for growth and success.....Never Quit!" These are the mottoes that I've lived by over the last few years. I have been challenged with learning disabilities. I prefer to call these “learning curves”. I learn differently and process differently from ...


Hi There! If you looked up ADD or ADHD...You would very likely see my picture. Yes, that's right..many of my esteemed colleagues have taken and excelled in education classes as part of their pursuit of their degree...but I live it on a daily basis. My family lives it on a daily basis. Many parents, teachers, siblings and peers label the unfocused child with ADD or ADHD as "a Problem Child" because they can't focus, stay on task, are distracted, can't manage their time, etc. How many parents and teachers help that child find and develop all the positive characteristics they possess because they have ADD/ADHD? It takes time and patience and a sense of humor. It takes love, dedication and creativity. There are many teachers who excel at this..but very often, they don't have the time and resources necessary to give additional help and time to that child. Most children with ADHD/ADD are incredibly intelligent. It seems like they are very intense, or, like they are a constant bundle of energy which is often unchanneled. My goal in working with you and your child is to coach and encourage while giving you the tools for success; in life, school, home,etc. These are often simple tricks that only take a moment to positively cue the student to re-focus. These cues can also help the student refocus and compose themselves in moments of heated frustration. Together we can make a great team!

career development

elementary (k-6th)




special needs

study skills

