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Jerilyn M. Special Needs, Elementary Education, and ESL, some ASL

I have been involved with teaching individuals the majority of my life with having younger brothers and sisters. I am presently a substitute teacher, by which I substitute for elementary, middle and high school levels. I am requested to fill in for many specialized teachers in areas of math, chemistry, history, Spanish, special ed and many other specialties of which I enjoy very much in assisting students to advance to their greatest potential. During the summer, I also assist special ed c...

hard of hearing




special needs



I have experience working with ADD/ADHD students for a number of years while working at a day program. I had one student in particular of which his goal was to get his permit which he did achieve and passed the permit test scoring very high. The student next goal was to get his GED which I assisted him in enrolling in a GED class which he continues to apply himself. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree and have been working in the social service field for some time which has involved working with ADD/ADHD students in classroom settings as well since I also substitute teach. I realize the importance of exhibiting a lot of patience and commendation with persons who have ADD/ADHD and also seeing the importance of reiteration in assisting them in getting the point of subjects being taught to maintain their focus.