English, Reading, Writing, Computer Application, ESL, Spanish
I am a retired teacher in the state of Nevada. I taught in Washoe County. I am an English major and have minors in Computers, Health and Physical Education. I also studied Spanish. I have two sons. One is a Computer Science Engineer, and the other just graduated from Cornell University. My main goal as a teacher, and a mom, is to get students to learn the content/material. I focus on the student and how the student learns. I am flexible and will create individual lessons that work fo...
desktop publishing
I am not certified in Special Education, but I have worked extensively with students in this population. I have been a high school teacher for 15+ years, and during this time I have had many students with varying disabilities included in my classroom. I also worked in Carson City as an Adaptive Physical Education teacher in which I worked extensively with students with all levels of disabilities, and all age groups. I worked in the elementary, middle school and high schools. I had a caseload at each school in the district. My office was in the District's Special Ed department, and I worked extensively with the OTs and PTs out of that office. I was also required to go to all IEPs and learned about this process very well. I also did a practicum for about 16 weeks at the School here in Reno that is Special Needs only. These experiences helped me tremendously in my high school experience, and if Sped teachers and Administrators had their choice for me to be the Special Needs student's teacher, they would put them in my class as opposed to other general ed teachers as they knew I had an ability to work well with Special Need students. I could get letters of recommendation if you would like. I believe that all students can learn. I am also a Certified Health teacher, and I have studied extensively about all sorts or disabilities. I know the characteristics of many of the disabilities and what types of care needs to be taken. I have had students from severe Mental Retardation to Autism to Aspbergers, as well as milder disabilities such as ADD or those who have a lower ability in math or reading, and also those who have severe emotional disorders and even had a student with Schizophrenia. I have also had students who don't have mental deficiencies but just had major physical disabilities. I thought about going back to school to get certified in Special Ed, but couldn't work it out timewise with my family and teaching job.