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French CAN Be Fun! and ESL too!

At UCLA, where I majored in English, minored in French, and did graduate work in Education, I received a fine education. I've been teaching ever since, Grades Pre-K through7 and am very adept at communicating with my students and clarifying things, from their point of view as learners. In addition to NYC private schools, I've also taught at a Charter School. Also, I have always tutored privately, English and French to both individuals and small groups: preschooler playgroups, Lower School ki...


I began studying the violin at the age of 5, and have been playing for pleasure and performing ever since. At one point, I learned the Suzuki Method along with my 6-year-old daughter, which was a very interesting and challenging position for a semi-pro to be in. I transferred that experience into an after school Suzuki class that was offered at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, where I was a French teacher. My son chose the piano, so I became his practice coach too, despite my relative inexperience on his instrument. I am one of the founders of the New Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra, a fine NYC community orchestra which just celebrated its 38th anniversary: in addition to being a member of both violin sections, I was the Personnel Manager and Librarian for several years. In the International Chamber Orchestra of New York, I was the Concert mistress and a Soloist on a dozen European concert tours. My additional duties were Recruiter, Librarian, and Assistant to the Executive Director. My musicianship and technique, as well as the fact that I have been a French and English teacher and tutor my entire professional career, make me highly suited as a "home practice coach"/violin teacher.

study skills





SAT reading

SAT writing



elementary science

elementary (k-6th)




