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German, Hebrew, Latin, World History: Steve B.

There is nothing more that I love about tutoring than helping students who are having difficulty in a subject. I utilize various teaching techniques to create the best mode of learning for that particular student. If I cannot help the student for whatever reason, either due to a personality clash or a lack of effort on the student's part, then I shall drop that student. It helps no one if the student cannot learn! I have taught in public high school and middle school for thirty-four years...



world history

Tracey C. from Chester, NY

I highly recommend Steven B. as a tutor. I reached out to him because I want to learn Hebrew (for reading texts like Genesis in the original). Steven is extremely knowledgeable about the subject matter and adept at conveying that knowledge to students. His years of experience as a classroom teacher translate beautifully to the one-on-one tutoring setting. Steven simultaneously challenges me to reach the next level and encourages me with praise. The lessons are always at just the right pace, too. It also makes a difference that Steven is unfailingly pleasant, positive, and enthusiastic about the material. He is happy to answer any questions I have about language or culture. You will no doubt be as pleased to have Steven as a tutor as I am. I can think of no better way to learn!

Spencer T. from Ridgewood, NJ

Steven is a wonderful tutor. I am taking a college online Hebrew course that doesn't really have a teacher. Steven is acting as that teacher and making an otherwise impossible situation a good learning experience. He is giving me confidence that I can succeed!

Steven B. from Pomona, NY

Our daughter just started tutoring with Steven. He is very easy to work with and very knowledgeable. We are all excited by the great progress she has made in a very short time.