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Bachelors Degree in English from York College (Queens, NY)

At York College, where I received in 2004 my Bachelor's Degree in English, I took many Early Childhood Development classes in order to learn to deal with children having behavior and discipline problems from Pre-K to fifth grade. One of the main requirements of those classes consisted into spending 14 weeks each semester at different schools in the Jamaica Area (Queens), where I helped teachers advance in their curriculum by observing, assisting, and working with one student or a small group...




elementary math

elementary (k-6th)




Iuliana S. from Syosset, NY

Mr. J is very patient and kind to my children. He is a pleasure to have around. I highly recommend him as a tutor. Last evening, 18 December 2013, Mr. J. brought Christmas gifts to the children. Mr. J. creates a benevolent learning atmosphere that is conducive to study. He is an exceptional tutor. We highly recommend him. Update: My daughters love French in large part due to Mr. J's skills as a tutor, mentor, and his fatherly benevolent approach to teaching. We were very fortunate to have found him.