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American Sign-Language tutor

I graduated in 2019 with my doctorate in audiology, which is a branch of medical science that aims to understand how and why we hear the way we do. Through this field, I have learned acoustics - a discipline in physics that requires a background in mathematics in order to fully comprehend its components. I have given lectures on audiology and other health-related information for national conferences that earned attention from major organizations. My tutoring experience comes from working a...

hard of hearing

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word


sign language


Before I came to New York for graduate school in August of 2015, I worked as a certified speech and language assistant in Oregon for a speech pathologist. In this position, I carried out language enhancing activities (therapy), behavior plans, articulation drills, reading comprehension exercises, and other functional communication exercises. Currently, I have earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Disorders and Deaf Education, which makes me uniquely suited to tutor your children with their speech.

Jennifer K. from New York, NY

I highly recommend Colette. She is so easy to understand and after just two months I already learned so much sign language.