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Excellent English tutor for writing; research; grammar; literature

I have taught high school English at both public schools (in Gary, Indiana) and a private Waldorf high school in Northridge, California. My degree is from Indiana University with majors in literature and creative writing (minors in comparative literature and psychology). I've worked as a social worker, practiced as a Gestalt therapist, and served as a "literary therapist" and editor for various writers, including Jimmy Komack (who once had seven shows on television at once). Most of all, h...

elementary (k-6th)

I have taught in Gary, Indiana public schools where I often served as a substitute for elementary classes. I was a co-founder and the director of the Pasadena Waldorf School, a private elementary school and often had to substitute for absent teachers. I also served as the administrator of their kindergarten. My involvement with Waldorf elementary education spans 30 years. Its approach is developmental in nature, with a true respect for the child, and an emphasis on play as the medium for learning.






SAT reading

SAT writing

