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InDesign, Photoshop, Mac, Desktop Publishing, Wordpress Tutor in Plano

Hi all, I've been a Apple Macintosh user since the late 80s (remember the floppy disc?). I have a freelance print/web design and production business, and have been self-employed with this business since 2006. Prior to this venture, my work experience was at advertising agencies, design studios, and in-house graphic departments. All in all, I have 22+ years experience in the field. I can also say that most of my software and hardware knowledge is self-taught. I have several years experience ...

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe InDesign

desktop publishing


Mary Jo H. from Plano, TX

Gregory is a very friendly, good tutor. I believe he knows a lot about Apple and its software, but unfortunately, all the new changes that Apple has made has left both of us baffled sometimes.

Hector E. from Plano, TX

First of all, I found Gregory to be a very honest and upfront individual with a great understanding about the tools and the complexity of Photoshop. If I had a question about how to achieve an objective, he never hesitated to show me ways to do things simpler. Layers and tools like the Clone tool can be quite complex, but using "ruler guides" can really help this process go much easier. Of course, he also drilled me on saving often when doing image manipulations, but just as important, to also make a copy of a layer in case I were to really mess up and then cannot go back to my original. Obviously this is a well learned lesson for most people who begin with Photoshop. In other words, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Last, but not least, he is very reasonable in his prices, when obviously he is as talented as people who charge much more for the same work. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to learn Photoshop!

Leticia F. from Dallas, TX

Just the help I needed with packaging my booklet to share with my colleague. He walked me through it within 30 min, instead of me struggling with the Adobe Help site for hours.