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Ellen T. Spanish, English Pronunciation for Foreign Nationals

Hello language students! I have always enjoyed foreign languages, especially Spanish, French and Italian. From childhood I knew I always wanted to teach. I have a Master's degree in Spanish from Temple University. I am PA certified in French and minored in Italian. I have taught in public education for 35 years, in city, archdiocese, and private schools. I also have private tutoring experience from a Pilot program teaching adult Mexicans English, to in-home tutoring of adults and children. ...





Robert P. from Coatesville, PA

All lessons have been good. Ellen has been patient with me on the"ir-ar verbs", though it was a tough time getting the rules down for me. From our classes, I have been more observant about listening to the language in public places and on the TV cable channels. She takes the time to review our earlier lessons to see if I retained the information and, if not, we review those areas again.

Nicole V. from Pottstown, PA

I have been working with Ellen for a couple of weeks now, and I want to share what a great experience I've had so far. Ellen is friendly and warm - she is supportive of my efforts and there is never any judgement about my capabilities. Her lessons are clear and well paced for me to grasp the concepts, and her suggested homework helps to reinforce what we discuss in our sessions. Ellen is clearly fluent in Spanish, but is great about slowing things down so I'm able to learn at my own pace. She has loaned me a couple of workbooks that I'm able to use at home, and that we work from together. Her suggestions for other learning tools, both workbooks and online, have been terrific and very helpful. I will continue to work with Ellen and am very excited about where this education will take me!

Laura V. from Elverson, PA

Ellen has been great with flexing to the needs and time constraints of my hectic life. In addition to being a great, and fun teacher, Ellen is also very patient with me and my requests. Ellen works well within my parameters based on knowing what I want/need to learn by a certain date for our trip to Italy! I'm so glad I found Ellen through WyzAnt! I would have never had the discipline to do this on my own, nor would I have the knowledge and understanding of the Italian language that I have now! Thank You Ellen, and WyzAnt!!

Pat A. from Reinholds, PA

Ellen started off with basics, e.g. numbers, days of the week, etc. Her explanations regarding the days of the week and the months connected to means of remembering them.