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Elementary tutor passionate about helping every student succeed!

My career in teaching began when my two sons were in elementary school and I was a parent tutor. I believed I could make a difference in the lives of future students based on teacher practices I observed from successful teachers, as well as from teachers who were not tolerant of learning differences and energy levels among students. I returned to school and earned my master's degree in Educational Leadership and elementary certification at Immaculata University. I have been employed for t...


I have developed various strategies to assist learning for my son and students with ADD and ADHD. I worked on IEPs for students with ADD/ADHD for the past 15 years. I also teach and tutor students diagnosed with ADD/ADHD utilizing strategies which work best for each student.

elementary math

elementary science

elementary (k-6th)









Randy S. from Coatesville, PA

Anita is so fantastic. She is wonderful and patient with my 5 yr old who has a rare visual disability. She has the perfect temperament to work with special needs children, or any child that is easily distracted. We Recommend her highly!