The Best Tutoring to Offer!
I have spent the last 11 years in education after spending 14 years in the private sector. Education became my calling. I have devoted my career to working with young people and have not regretted my decision at all. In addition to working in the classroom, I am also a basketball coach, PA announcer for varsity football and varsity boys and girls basketball, and work in the athletic department as a site manager and scoreboard operator. My experience is at all grade levels, K - 12, except 2nd...
study skills
I have been in education for 11 years after 14 years in the private sector. Through my experiences, I have had the opportunity to work with students at all grade levels, K - 12. Through these experiences and opportunities, I have been able to with students in different situations such as autism, ADD/ADHD, Aspergers, and other areas of need. It has been experience that the keys in working with these students is patience, understanding, yet assertiveness and the ability to help the student focus on the task at hand. These students need to be treated as normal as possible to allow for a smooth transition into the world.