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YDee Open to tutor students with and without special needs.

Hello, I am available to tutor in the basic academic subjects K-12 and Life Skills. I have certification in Special Education K-12. I have patience and believe that everyone can learn given the best techniques of study. I have been teaching for over 6 years, however I have worked in the helping profession for seventeen years. I have worked with individuals from birth to adulthood either directly or as a case manager. ...



special needs


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


I work as a Certified Special Education Teacher and I have worked directly with students who have diagnosis of ADHD and ADD. I have taken graduate level courses in working with students with the said diagnoses and actively use techniques and skills to help students achieve academic success. Additionally I research and try various approaches to teaching students with ADHD and ADD.


I am a Certified Special Education Teacher and have worked directly with individuals with the Aspergers diagnosis. Additionally, I have taken several graduate level courses on the specifics of Aspergers. Furthermore I have learned and taught educational strategies to students with the diagnosis.


I am a Certified Special Education Teacher and have worked and currently work directly with individuals with Autism diagnosis. Additionally, I have taken several graduate level courses on the specifics of Autism and the Spectrums. Furthermore I have learned and taught educational strategies to students with the diagnosis.

elementary (k-6th)



elementary math


