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Certified Educator with Masters, Tutoring 3rd Grade Through College

My experience teaching and tutoring students of all ages in a wide variety of subjects can be your advantage! An experienced classroom teacher, I have Texas teaching credentials for all-levels English-as-a-Second-Language, general subjects in 4th through 8th grades, and all-levels Music, and I've taught in all of those classrooms. In addition, my experience collaborating with special education colleagues to assist students with learning disabilities, working in both Special Ed classrooms and ...

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading

ACT Science


As a long-time middle school music, theatre, and general subjects teacher, I have worked successfully with ADHD students in a variety of contexts. In more than 20 years of working with music and theatre students, I have learned to work positively and constructively with students with ADHD, and found means to help them learn, interact, and perform effectively. From 1994 to 1998, my work in a program for gifted and talented middle schoolers helped me to understand that students can struggle with ADHD issues because of their giftedness, and I found that students struggled less with ADHD once their special gifts and talents were recognized, developed, harnessed, and directed for academic success. During the 2010-2012 school years, my school assignment included work in Content Mastery, where I tutored and mentored individual students with ADHD and helped them to understand concepts and complete work for all their classes. My experience with ADHD students, my familiarity with their particular strengths and weaknesses, and with advice from my special education colleagues, I learned to tap into each student's knowledge and abilities and to modify instruction to meet their individual needs. This experience with ADHD continues to serve me every day as an all-levels general subjects itinerate educator, as I need to quickly evaluate students' needs and determine their best learning approach. Finally, my graduate school work included specific training and research relating to ADHD, including legal and management considerations.

algebra 1

algebra 2

American history

Art Theory


ear training


elementary (k-6th)

elementary math

elementary science



European history


general computer

general music



government & politics




Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word

music theory

physical science








SAT math

SAT reading

SAT writing

social studies


special needs




study skills


video production



world history







Scott S. from Austin, TX

Kyle is a great tutor. He does have a very good thought process on getting to know my daughter's strengths and particular weaknesses. Has great vocabulary towards the subject at hand. My daughter feels very comfortable and optimistic in her progress.

Theresa M. from Austin, TX

From the day we met Kyle, I've witnessed his effort to get to know my son and how his mind operates. Starting with the first session, he was able to get my son to engage with him and focus on his homework. After only a few sessions, Kyle has determined not only areas where my son can improve, but has created strategies for my son to follow to make those changes. Having Kyle's help has turned homework time from 6-8 hours a week to about 2.5 hours a week. Amazing. My son struggles with ADHD, Dyslexia, and Asperger's, so it's a special person who will take the time to get to know the bright child he is and offer guidance specific to his needs and abilities. I'm a fan!

Penelope B. from Austin, TX

My daughter was really struggling with math and has ADHD so her attention span and organizational skills are a bit to be desired...from the first lesson, Kyle was able to connect well with her, adjust his lesson according to her deficits, and do so in a way which worked well for a child with ADHD. He explained concepts in different ways to ensure she'd understand, he brought his own materials, and worked with tests and homework she had from school. He also worked with her on organization. He was very engaging, and did not need me (or her) to tell him specifically what to do--rather, he worked with her to figure out what needed help and stepped right in. My daughter's grade in math has improved significantly. I wouldn't hesitate to call Kyle if your child needs math help!