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Earn A's Now!

Dear Parent/Student, I am highly passionate in helping you achieve your goals in life! I teach multiple subjects including Writing, English, Research, and all subjects K-6. If you are struggling to complete your dissertation or thesis, I will show you step by step how to complete it now. We will carefully critique each section, take into consideration any feedback offered by your chair, and come up with a plan of attack. I was a writing mentor for undergraduate BSW and graduate MSW student...




special needs



Having worked with many students with ADD/ADHD over the past nine years, I create structured activities to keep my student's attention on the subject at hand. We often work in a calm, quiet environment where there is very little outer distraction. When my student sometimes wanders off, I gentle steer them back to the subject at hand. To stay organized, we use daily planners and charts.


I have had the privilege of working with many students with Aspergers over the past nine years. I often employ visual instructions and schedules to help the student feel more calm, secure, and less anxious during our sessions. Helping these students feel relaxed is crucial, because many of them are highly nervous when they first start working with a tutor. As a life coach, I work really hard to get them to feel comfortable, and provide reassurance that they are on the right track. I also work on making them confident in their social skills.



Microsoft Word






government & politics





SAT writing






ACT Reading

ACT English

elementary math

elementary (k-6th)


study skills

algebra 1


ACT Math

ACT Science


I have been helping pre-nursing students pass The Test of Essential Academic Skills for the past five years. Every tutoring session is spent helping my pre-nursing students master the tests main subject areas: Math, English, Science, and Language. I also offer much prep material between sessions, so students can work on problems at home. The next time I see them, we go over the questions they got wrong. I help each of my pre-nursing students become thoroughly prepared for the rigors of the test.

Deanna T. from Clinton Township, MI

I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Sandra H about two weeks ago. I had recently been in a car crash and she allowed me the option of online tutoring. She is a very patient, down to earth person, and no point in time did I feel belittled because of my lack of knowledge. That is one of the things I loved about working with her. She returned my paper within 2 or 3 hours and explained to me what errors I had made and why. I definitely will be working with her in the future. She is a bit expensive but it is worth every penny. If I had anything negative to say would be that I wish I could afford more of her hours lol ! Great young lady, beautiful spirit, and knows her STUFFFF!!! Definitely will be working with her again.

Henry C. from Detroit, MI

Dr. Sandra has very strong interpersonal skills. I find her to be intelligent, very engaging, approachable, resourceful, and passionate about teaching. She established an immediate rapport with me and (more importantly) with my student. In a very short period of time she was able to identify academic strengths and weaknesses. Dr. Sandra explored a range of instructional strategies; she quickly identified methods comfortable for my student and applied those methods to problem solving, performance skills and learning experiences. I am very, very confident that with her guidance my student will regain positive traction.

Jeri J. from Bloomfield Hills, MI

Dr. Sandra was instrumental in helping me improve my writing skills. I appreciate Dr. Sandra's ability to identify weaknesses in my papers and develop a plan for success. I am now earning 100% on research papers and have Dr. Sandra to thank! I continue to see success because of the skills and knowledge I gained during tutoring. Very happy! Thanks, Dr. Sandra!!!

Izabela W. from Rochester, MI

I love working with Dr. Sandra! She is an awesome tutor and for the first time in my life, I am confident in my ability to write professional college-level research papers. She is focused, organized, creative, and simply the best! Thank you for always being available for me, and I hope you can continue to help me when I get accepted into graduate school!!

Connor C. from Warren, MI

Dr. Sandra has been wonderful for my 9th grader. He had needed help in studying skills, organization and overall encouragement. She is very kind and patient and encouraged him in his natural talents in science and algebra as well as his not-so natural talents in English and Civics. Thanks so much for all your help.

Tina E. from Plymouth, MI

I am an older student and met with Dr. Sandra to get some encouragement and better study skills for preparation of the TEAS exam for nursing. She is very patient, understanding, and just a very pleasant person. I completely enjoyed our session and she gave me the best advice on how to study for the science sections of this exam. I look forward to more sessions with her.

Lisa B. from Ortonville, MI

Dr. Sandra is wonderful with my daughter and has had a big impact on her learning process. My daughter has been identified with dyslexia as well as ADHD, which is a difficult combination. Dr. Sandra has the patience to work with her when she may not be at her highest level of concentration and can pull her back into the lesson. Dr. Sandra also makes learning fun and engages my daughter's high level of competition as motivation to learn. Thank you, Dr. Sandra, you're definitely making a difference.

Gail C. from Fraser, MI

Dr. Sandra is the best writing tutor I've ever had. I wish I met her earlier in my writing career. Session after session, she was on target in helping me achieve my writing goals. Dr. Sandra never hesitated to meet with me even on short notice. A professional and gifted writer, I recommend Dr. Sandra in a heartbeat!

Ali H. from Dearborn, MI

I am taking honors classes this semester and maintaining a 4.0 GPA. I was stressed-out and didn’t have the slightest clue how to tackle a research paper that was worth one-third of my grade! The project seemed too big for my already hectic schedule. I was stuck and worried this paper would bring down my entire class-grade. Throughout our tutoring, Dr. Sandra helped reduce my stress-level and anxiety. She boosted my self-esteem and confidence through encouragement and consistently pointing out my strengths as a writer. During our first session, Dr. Sandra taught me how to think like a researcher and build a thesis. We took notes on over 100 peer-reviewed research articles, and narrowed it down to those that best answered the research question. No class ever broke-down the writing process as effortlessly as Dr. Sandra. With the research notes clearly written on index cards, Dr. Sandra showed me how easy it is to synthesize the information:the most difficult part for writers! Looking at my index cards, I was easily able to compare, contrast, and group similar and conflicting points of views, methodologies, and findings. With clearly-defined sections and sub-sections, every article and author had a place in the paper. It was no easy feat but at the end I completed a top-notch research paper with Dr. Sandra’s guidance. It is an understatement when I say Dr. Sandra is an amazing educator. More than what she helped me accomplish on the paper, she is a really great person who saw my potential from the beginning. If you are looking for a professional and talented educator who will help you become your very best both in and outside of academia, it is Dr. Sandra. I cannot say enough about how much she developed my writing skills and helped instill in me the belief I can achieve my academic and professional dreams. I thank you for your guidance and wisdom in helping me become my very best.

Sophia M. from Mount Clemens, MI

Dr. Sandra is professional, flexible and thorough. She helped me develop effective writing strategies, recognize grammar and punctuation errors during our first tutoring session. I highly recommend Dr. Sandra.

Aja C. from Detroit, MI

I must say that from our very first session I was able to tell she was a great tutor. Dr. Sandra was very patient and she made me feel comfortable with learning new mathematical subjects from Geometry to Algebra. She is great with working around one's schedule and is very great with communication. It has only been a couple weeks since my first session and I already feel more than confident that Dr. Sandra will have me well prepared for the GED Math Test. I highly recommend Dr. Sandra for anyone who wants to excel on the GED Math Test.

Lakeisha D. from Detroit, MI

The best out there. Her passion shines through her work. She is patient, considerate, loving, and knows what she is doing. She brings out the best in my children. I've seen results in as little as a month's time. My kids absolutely love her and learning now.

Shelia G. from West Bloomfield, MI

Dr. Sandra helped me to clarify goals and objectives associated with graduate research methods. She was personable and a pleasure to work with.