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Special Needs Tutoring

I am currently a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst, and I am taking the BCBA in August 2014. I am available for behavior consultation, assessments, functional behavior assessments, or program tutoring. Please email me, and I can provide you more detailed information about my experience and how I can help you. I have an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University with a Master's in Psychology, and a minor in English and Business. I have a Master's in Special Education, Low Inc...

college counseling

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


I have extensive experience with autistic children and adults ages 18 months-25 years old. I am currently a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst, and I am available for behavior analytic services, assessments, functional behavior assessments, and specific programming including, but not limited to verbal behavior, language arts, handwriting, spelling, math, fine and gross motor skills, social skills, manding, echoics, and tacting. I recently graduated with my graduate degree in Low Incidence Disabilities and Autism, so I also have an educational background related to autism. I have much experience with pediatric feeding disorders with autistic children, so if your child is a picky or selective eater, I can also do an assessment to help with these issues. If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me.





elementary math

special needs