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Over 10 years of experience teaching and counseling students

Hello! I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with 10 years of experience as an Instructor and Rehabilitation Specialist with the Dallas and Tarrant Community College Districts. I have Master's Degrees in Human Sciences and Counseling. Prior to this experience I worked as a Service Coordinator and Case Manager for local agencies who serve people with learning- and developmental disabilities. In these positions I coordinated many tutors and trainers. I have helped many students reach their ...


I have approximately 9-10 years of experience working with students at El Centro College as a Rehabilitation Specialist in the Disability Services Office. I assisted students with various disabilities. These included ADD, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and other Learning Disabilities. Prior to this, I obtained 8 years of experience working for Collin County MHMR and related agencies as a provider and coordinator for individuals with special needs. I have Master's degrees in Human Sciences (with a primary focus in Psychology) and Counseling.

special needs