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Looking to tutor excited minds!

I am a graduate of Prairie View A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil & Environmental Engineering. I exude reliability, enthusiasm, adaptability, and efficiency! I have excelled in mathematics, played a musical instrument and basketball since elementary! I am excited about sharing the knowledge that others have so graciously shared with me. Throughout my educational experience, I am always willing to help out fellow colleagues, because I definitely believe knowledge is power and...

algebra 1

algebra 2


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word



SAT math


Diane J. from Houston, TX

Ms. Harris is very knowledgeable, helpful, punctual, and patient. As a result of her assistance my child's scores have improved greatly. Thank you for your help.

Ignacio A. from Fort Worth, TX

Has the patience and calm to assess and mentor my son in Algebra 1. Always on time, flexible, responsible and respectful. Knows how to guide my son step by step in the process. I thanks God for her talent, knowledge and commitment to help others.