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Commercial photographer with extensive retouching experience

I'm a commercial photographer with extensive experience in many types of photography, from product to aerials to portraits. I also do a great deal of photo retouching, including work for a large national retailer. I love to show others how to excel at photography and/or Photoshop. I especially enjoy teaching how to do things more efficiently, such as taking advantage of the many keyboard shortcuts available in Photoshop. There's nothing I enjoy more than the thrill of helping someone else...

Adobe Photoshop

Cristina L. from Dallas, TX

Jay is truly a fantastic teacher! He has taught me all about product photography. I'm such a novice and he made me feel very comfortable with a camera in such a short amount of time. He is very patient and at the same time is excited to help you learn. I highly recommend him!

Stuart S. from Dallas, TX

I thought I knew Adobe Photoshop CS5 and have used it extensively for over 5 years until Jay showed up. He has a complete understanding of this system and can perform absolute magic! Do not hesitate to hire him if you are serious about wanting a professional, high end product. He is courteous, patient, professional, knowledgeable, and timely. His services will be in great demand. Highly recommended.