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My name is John and let me start out by saying I failed my freshman algebra class and was terrible in geometry. I went to college for 6 years for a BA and started off as an engineering major. I tested out of college algebra and took math up until Calculus III before I realized that engineering wasn't for me. After college I had thoughts of becoming a teacher so I enrolled in an ACP (accelerated certificate program) but failed my content test twice before I finally passed in 2014. I know what ...


algebra 1

algebra 2




Gilbert G. from Houston, TX

John seems to be a very kind person and explains problems in a manner that Gabby is able to understand. Gabby is happy with the first lesson and we will continue to have more future lessons. I am quite sure that john can help Gabby bring her grades up from a C to an A. Thanks to WyzAnt in sending me this great guy.

Jantel L. from Houston, TX

Lessons are going well. He is very patient with my daughter and is honest in what she need to do to get better.