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Public Speaking, English pronounciation, and TOEFL tutor

As a Nigerian who moved to the US, I am passionate about higher education, and helping others through their individual journeys. The most frequent compliment I receive from strangers is how articulate I am. I moved from Nigeria with a heavy English accent that Americans found challenging to fully understand. After much work, my pronunciation is noticed frequently. Another strength I acquired is the ability to engage an audience when giving presentations, or addressing a group of people. I can...




elementary math


Junro N. from Seattle, WA

Frances is an outstanding public speaking tutor. She is a very modest lady and her explanations are articulate. Also she gives me a variety of international perspective. I really recommend you share your time with her.

Chinedu E. from Houston, TX

Frances O is a very patient person and a great tutor. She opened my mind to different ways of tackling problems and takes her time to let them register in my mind. She will do big things in the future