Certified Teacher Ready to Help!
I have a Master's Degree in Education from The University of St. Thomas in Houston. I've been a teacher since I graduated from college. Most of my adult life has been spent helping others learn how they learn best, and continuing to learn new things for myself. I'm a strong advocate of educational technology and student driven learning. I think students retain information better and have a deeper understanding of a subject once it's been made relevant and useful to them. I'm convinced that a...
I am Texas state certified in Generic Special Education, Severe Emotional Disturbance and Autism. I've taught for more than twenty years in pull out programs, inclusion programs and self-contained classrooms. I've been part of Houston ISD's teacher training programs for the past 10 years. I've been supporting students in learning to attend to elements of assignments in sequence as well as addressing the social/emotional component of classroom success at the same time.
I am Texas state certified in Generic Special Education, Severe Emotional Disturbance and Autism. I've taught for more than twenty years in pull-out programs, inclusion programs and self-contained classrooms. I've worked with students with a variety of educational labels from 504 all the way to severely multiply impaired. I've focused on students with behavioral needs - focusing on both academic skill building and social/communications skills building.