A Teacher, Honors Student, & Someone Who Helps Bring the Best...
Dear Future Student, My name is Mike and I graduated from the University of Houston's prestigious Honors College with a Major in Psychology and a Minor in English. I went on to become a certified English teacher and then onto becoming an administrator for my district. I have a strong writing, reading, and grammar background: I can teach you to quickly write and read better than you thought possible. Currently I work for Maury County as a Web Design Instructor. I have a Master's degree from ...
ACT English
ACT Reading
Adobe Photoshop
American history
I am currently certified as a teacher and principal in Texas and Tennessee and was the first teacher in my district to team teach inclusion students with Autism and other issues. I deal with IEP's and learning needs across spectrum disorders daily. I have a master's degree from Texas A&M in Education and Curriculum and had to pass several classes centered around ESL and Phonics mastery issues--we worked with phonemes, morphemes, etc. Part of my certification as an administrator is fulfillment of the special needs area for many spectrum disorders--it's part of the qualifications for being able to sit on an IEP and Special ED meetings. I gained my Principal Certification from Texas A&M and passed with a 4.0.
I am currently certified as a teacher and principal in Texas and Tennessee and was the first teacher in my district to team teach inclusion students with Autism and other issues. I deal with IEP's and learning needs across spectrum disorders daily. I have a master's degree from Texas A&M in Education and Curriculum and had to pass several classes centered around ESL and Phonics mastery issues--we worked with phonemes, morphemes, etc. .