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Computer and technology tutoring that is fun and friendly!

  • $37 / h
  • 1 review
  • 3 rating s
  • La Follette , TN ( 37766 )
  • 40 miles

I have been using computers for as long as I can remember. From the days of dial-up through today, I've built, repaired, and used computers of varying make, model, and operating system. I specialize in the Microsoft Office suite and teaching others how to use the software to make their lives more efficient. Moving from a PC to a Mac? I can help you! I have a background in education and work in higher education, primarily with college students. I was licensed to teach K-9 in Illinois but m...

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Excel

general computer

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint


Mike D. from Fort Myers, FL

Steve was a very good tutor. He answered all my questions and explained in a way I could understand - not too technical. I plan to use him again.