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Art, Theatre, English, Reading, Special Ed and Creativity!

I am the author of the upcoming book, "Excited About Learning: Creating Massive Engagement and Confidence in Your Student." I have a New York Times best-selling author writing my foreword, and even though it's not quite finished, I have already got a publisher waiting for it. Here's my story: While growing up, and as an adult, I have worked with children and adults of many ability and disability levels. My parents adopted 14 special needs children with various disabilities, and as the oldest...



social studies





I have worked extensively, and with great success, with Aspergers-affected individuals. I have been able to assist them in decoding much of the world around them, and translating what they experience into comprehensible units. I have studied the work of Dr. Temple Grandin and others, as well as taking a course on brain differences at University of California, Riverside ("Anatomical and Physiological Factors in Behavioral Development").


I have worked extensively, and with great success, with Autistic individuals. I have been able to assist them in establishing a relationship to the world around them, and translating what they experience into comprehensible units. I have taken a course on brain differences at University of California, Riverside ("Anatomical and Physiological Factors in Behavioral Development"), and have a brother who is Autistic and Aphasic.


hard of hearing


art history

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


I have been working with children and adults with ADD/ADHD, including members of my own family, for many years. I have studied the works of Dr. Edward Hallowell and others, as well as receiving hands-on training in the public school system. In addition, I have worked with my own children, three of whom are ADD/ADHD, and many students with this situation.

career development


sign language


special needs

study skills



I have been performing, both in the United States and abroad, since I was six years old. I have done Mime, Musical Theatre, Drama and Comedy. I have performed on stage, in videos and on television. Whether as part of a traveling troupe, a voice-over talent, or a stand-up comedienne, I have spent years honing my craft. I have studied under Ann Ayars, former prima soprano of the New York City Opera, Bud Barth (voice over of Fred Flintstone, Chester Cheetah and others), Gordon Jump (WKRP and the Maytag Man), Jeff Teare (National Theatre of England), Leila Haller (New Orleans Civic Ballet)and Stanley Meyer (scenic designer for the Broadway production and tour of "Beauty and the Beast" and for the Steve Miller Band 2010 tour "Bingo!") I have acted as an instructor at Del Mar Media Arts in Irvine, California, the Department of Parks and Recreation in New Haven, Connecticut, and for Visual Expressions Gallery in Cedar Hill, Texas, as well as a dialect coach for private students in Grand Prairie, Texas. I have taken classes in acting, improvisation, directing, dramatic analysis, as well as many forms of dance and vocal music. So, what can I do for you? I can help you select and practice an audition piece, complete with phrasing, impact sound suggestions and blocking. I can explain what those Shakespeare words and phrases mean. I can help you memorize and personalize your part in a play (even a non-speaking part!). I can help you plan and record a voice-over demo CD, and find a reputable studio to record it. I can help you develop improvisational "bits" so that you are a seamless improvisational performer. I can help you put together a stand-up routine and find an open-mike venue to perform it, then critique it with you afterward. I can help you develop stage make-up skills and specialty stage make-up, including latex prostheses (false noses, warts, scars, etc.). I can help you develop period costumes, fantasy costumes and special effects costumes. I can help you design and build scene models and plans. I can help you put together your theatrical program and find/build illustrations and graphic layouts for the program, poster and flyers.


SAT writing




elementary math

elementary science

elementary (k-6th)

SAT reading




algebra 1

American history







Mary B. from Kennedale, TX

Theresa has been working with my 9 year old son for almost a year. She is very knowledgeable in many areas. In addition to academics, she has been helpful to my son in developing his executive skills. She is wonderful at adapting her approach as she develops and as she receives input from us and from his teachers. She has been a wonderful asset in my son's improvement in his performance.

Patricia S. from Cedar Hill, TX

My experience has been enlightening, direction driven, strengthening, and encouraging. My tutor has a genuine appeal and I like her decentralized approach to studying. She has helped me to connect the dots to my own areas of weakness, and provided me with constructive guidance to a check and balance study style that will measure ones outcome. I have noted her constant evaluation of me in each tutorial session which has given me insight to her customized approach based upon individual needs vs. a standardized study plan.

Marti D. from Arlington, TX

My son (age 9) loves working with Ms. Theresa. I thought he would complain having to do tutoring two days a week but he looks forward to her coming. He realizes she is here to help him be successful. Thanks.

Edward P. from Burleson, TX

Theresa has been great for our son who is ADHD and Dyslexic. She knew right away how to find the various areas that he needed to strengthen and they hit the ground running. She has worked extensively with Dyslexia and it shows in her ability to provide him with the tools he needs to move forward through his learning difference as well as 'reel' him back in when he loses focus or "leaves the room" as she calls it. We have seen improvement in his spelling, memorization, word comprehension, retention of what he is learning and overall reading which is getting quicker along with reading comprehension. All of this in less than two months! We have also seen a difference in his self esteem, and that is great for any child! Theresa is great and we look forward to a long tutoring relationship. As she always says, she works herself right out of a job! What a great approach to getting every child past issues and on with life.

Jeff K. from Euless, TX

I'm calling Theresa a "coach", because that is the capacity for which I am hiring her for - a life coach. Theresa quickly deduced various aspects of my personality from an email I sent her before our first session. She hit it right on the money. She will be happy to know that I completed my homework assignment within 24 hours after our session, instead of waiting until the last minute before our next session, as is my usual method. I hired her because I need someone to essentially hold my hand and show me another and better way until it becomes the new me. And she has already suggested a timeline, giving me the expectation that some day down the road I will be on my own. I always seek instant gratification, and that has never served me well in life. In our first session, Theresa addressed that issue. In fact, as I write this, I can hear the voice in my mind saying "I hope this coaching doesn't take too long, because I don't have a lot of time. I have so many things that I want to do, and I don't have forever." Yes, there is some work to do. I get the strong feeling that Theresa is very patient. She'll hang in there with you until that ah-ha moment arrives. And that's when she will slide her chair back, gently stand up, smile, and give you a humble standing ovation. "Well done. You're ready."

Criselda V. from Cedar Hill, TX

Theresa has made a wonderful change in my son's academic life. He started tutoring in preparation for his ISEE test and we decided to continue seeking her help thereafter. She has become part of his academic success. Theresa is very patient and finds the student's strength to better understand the topic on hand. My 15-yr old son is comfortable to make questions and uses his time wisely. We will continue to seek her help because she is also very reliable, she will work with the student's schedule the best way she can. We have only positive remarks to make about Mrs. Theresa, she is a great tutor.

Cheryl H. from Red Oak, TX

Theresa has been an amazing tutor for our 6-year old granddaughter. The last five sessions with our granddaughter has been very successful. She has moved up to the next reading level in her class, as well as developed a love and appreciation for reading. We have seen a great improvement in her blending, reading, spelling, and recognition of words. We have been impressed with Theresa's talent and her tender, compassionate interaction with our granddaughter. Our granddaughter looks forward to each of her sessions with Theresa. Theresa has also given our granddaughter's parents very helpful and practical tools to help our granddaughter focus and progress forward. When we first sought out a tutor in March, our granddaughter's teacher had just suggested to her parents that she might need to repeat Kindergarten if she did not pass the state-required TPRI test. We are happy to report that our granddaughter's teacher recently sought out her parents to let them know (1) how impressed she was with Ireland's improvement, (2) that our granddaughter passed the TPRI test, and (3) she received a score of Developed in all areas of the test. We know this was made possible by Theresa's tutoring. It's given our granddaughter a new confidence in her learning abilities. It's exciting to see her pick up books on her own now and read them all by herself! We look forward to continuing with Theresa's tutoring, and are excited to see our granddaughter's progress as she moves into first grade under Theresa's guidance.

Gail S. from Arlington, TX

This was the first tutoring session my daughter had and I felt so good after their session. Theresa is really awesome. She came prepared and very understanding of my daughter's dilemmas in math. I look forward in continuing the tutoring sessions for my daughter with her. She is so awesome! Thank you Theresa! You are awesome!!! Since Theresa has been helping my daughter with her math she seems to be a little more confident about her work. She still has trouble but seems to tackle it in a better way. Theresa is such a God send. She really has such great patience with kids. Right now it is difficult for both my kids as we just moved. Theresa seems to understand and has patience of iron!! I still think she is an awesome tutor and hope to continue with her as long as my daughter needs her. Thank you Theresa!

Lindsi C. from Arlington, TX

I want to thank the people of WyzAnt. I have learned so much from Theresa in these past few weeks. She really has opened up my eyes and has truly believed in me and the goals I am trying to achieve. I couldn't have asked for a better, more qualified educator to help me become an excellent educator in my field. Thank you so much

Jennifer R. from Dallas, TX

My daughter is really enjoying working with Theresa! She is very patient and has unique ideas to get kids involved and interested in exploring their creative side. You can tell she truly cares about her students.

Janet H. from Grand Prairie, TX

I want to thank you, WyzAnt, for sending the best teacher, ever. I have never, ever had as much learning in my life as I have had since I met Theresa. I love reading more, I understand how to spell better, as well. I'm learning a lot about writing good lesson plan and how to do different things on the computer. I have learned more in 3 months than in the past 45 years of my life. If I had all this knowledge from an early age. I would be a better person now. Miss Theresa is the type of person who makes you want to go higher and higher in education. I don't want to stop learning here. She is the best teacher ever. I recommend that WyzAnt acknowledge her. Thank you very much. She is the best....

Tina A. from Red Oak, TX

She was very patient with my child. He absolutely loves going to tutoring!! We are pleased with her services! I would recommend her to anyone.

Patricia N. from Arlington, TX

Theresa is an awesome person. She is very welcoming and my daughter loved the fact that there was someone to sign with her. With Theresa's help our family is using sign language and speech at the same time. We can't wait for another lesson. Highly recommended