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Brittany's Tutoring

I am a first grade teacher and I really enjoy my work! I love teaching reading and writing and seeing students progress. I have been teaching for 4 years and I have worked closely with the reading specialist at my school to improve my reading instruction. I've worked with a variety of students from gifted to special education students....

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math




Wanda R. from Chantilly, VA

Brittany has been great to work with this summer. Both of my kids work well with her and she is very patient with them and they can be a little "huggy" and a bit on the curious side - lots of questions. She has connected well with them and is adjusting the tutoring sessions and approaches based on each child's needs.

Eric L. from Washington, DC

All my 3 children have worked with Brittany and love her. She is patient with them and has a very sweet demeanor. She comes prepared and has a wonderful teaching style. She's always on time and responds quickly by text or email.

Kim M. from Oakton, VA

My kids (2nd grade and K) absolutely adore Brittany. She is patient and kind, but focused. They really enjoy their sessions with her and their confidence is really growing. For me, Brittany is extremely responsive by email and text. Fantastic all around!!