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Tutoring tailored for YOUR child's special needs!

Welcome to WyzAnt! I'm glad you found me here. I have a Master's Degree Education and have primarily taught K-3. I am a veteran public school teacher, however, I choose to tutor one-on-one to meet the individual needs of children with success. There are a variety of learning styles, teaching styles, and personalities. I strive to learn about my clients and design lessons customized to fit their needs. You'll find my personal hands-on approach to learning will benefit your child immensely!...

elementary science

elementary (k-6th)










elementary math

Erinrose V. from Oakton, VA

Karen has been fabulous about working with my two active sons who are not always fond of sitting down and writing. Both of them have been diagnosed with ADHD, which makes it more difficult to get them to focus for long periods on their academics. To help my sons focus, Karen gives them breaks and tries to come up with funny stories. We often hear them giggling in the other room, which I think is great because I want my sons to be excited about learning and not dreading it. We look forward to working with Karen more. Update: I highly recommend Karen as a writing coach for young boys! After three months of working one-on-one with Karen, both of my sons' grades in writing and editing went from Cs to As! Their teachers also complimented their work saying my sons were among the bet writers in their respective classes. This is all thanks to Karen's hard work and dedication with two active elementary school boys.

Kim B. from Chantilly, VA

Karen is a wonderful tutor. My son adores her and enjoys every single minute of his time with her. Preston has continued to improve after each session and his self confidence has drastically improved. I can sit down with him to do homework with him and never get a complaint. He used to constantly use the word "can't" before and now that is not in his vocabulary anymore. We are so happy for the times we had Karen in our home. She is an amazing person and we were lucky to have gotten to work with her.

Laura R. from Springfield, VA

Karen worked with my 7 year old son to help him improve his reading skills. She is very personable, organized, and knowledgeable. I highly recommend her.

Kim N. from Leesburg, VA

She is great about individualizing each child's need and helps make them feel good about what they know and is able to take any fear away about what they don't know.