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Certified Spanish Teacher available for Spanish 1 and 2

I have taught Spanish for a total of 14 of my 16 years in the educational field on both the middle school and high school levels. I have tutored my own students and other teachers' students as well. I have also tutored those who wanted to get the basic beginning levels of Spanish. I am passionate about student learning and success. I am a great listener, patient teacher, and am the mother of a student with language impairment and learning disability so I have had lots of experience with st...


Donna G. from Portsmouth, VA

Tiffany helped my daughter prepare for an upcoming test by quickly assessing where she needed specific help, then teaching her the concepts that she did not understand. Then, Tiffany helped my daughter remember vocabulary with expressive and funny "connectors". My daughter feels ready for her test and a lot more confident! Thank you Tiffany!!!!